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Music Paintings

The music-themed paintings combine two great loves in my life: making art and making music.  I began by giving musical instruments the same close focus as my nature subjects, discovering all sorts of abstract possibilities in the shapes.  In the process I found that painting in watercolor is not unlike playing music: once a sound is released, the musician cannot call it back, just as the watercolor painter can never completely undo a color laid down on the surface of the paper.  I build most of my paintings in a series of layers, creating chords of color, sometimes in dense clusters, sometimes in the simplest of harmonies. 

The images in this gallery show paintings in the collection of the artist that are available for purchase.  Please click on the thumbnail here to bring up a larger image with medium and size information.

​Rachel Collins, Watercolor Artist


© 2023 by Rachel Brunstetter Collins. The images of art contained on these pages are of copyrighted works by the artist and are not in the public domain. No reproduction or modification of any kind is allowed without the express written permission of the artist. All rights reserved.   

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